MBA Admission 2025-2027

Registration is on for 30th MBA Batch (TANCET Counselling Code 340)


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GIM Publications

Guruvayurappan Institute of Management publishes the following :

GIM Journal of Management

This bi-annual Journal is being published since 2006 and has very successfully and regularly carried scholarly articles from erudite authors from both the academia and the industry. These volumes provide a rich source of discourses on many major management concepts, thinking and evolving ideas. These journals carry research articles, commentary on evolving management thoughts, book reviews, case studies etc. All previous volumes are available in the GIM Library.

Click to Know more: JOURNAL WEBSITE

Submit articles here: Submit Article

The GIM Journal of Management invites articles on Management and related topics, which are expected to enrich the current corpus of knowledge. The Journal also solicits research based articles, and papers that reflect original research for publication. The Managerial implications should be highlighted towards the end of the article.

* The Articles should have a cover page containing the Title, Author’s Name, Institution of affiliation with full address and e-mail identity.

* Each Article shall not exceed fifteen pages including the text (4000 words), graphs, diagrams, charts, Text must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12 in double space.

* The Tables, Graphs, Results of the analysis, statistical/Mathematical notations may appropriately be taken to appendix.

* The references should be serially numbered and taken to the end of the article in the appropriate format.

* An abstract of the article not exceeding 100 words must be submitted along with the main article.

* An abstract of the article not exceeding 100 words must be submitted along with the main article.

* The contributors are requested to send two hard copies along with the soft copy in compact disc.

* Each article must be accompanied by a declaration by the author for authenticity, originality and non violation of any copyright.

* The Articles sent for the publication should not have been already published or submitted for publication elsewhere

Kindly send your Articles for publication to the email: or by post to:

The Editor
GIM Journal of Management
Guruvayurappan Institute of Management
Navakkarai, Coimbatore – 641 105.

GIM News

GIM News is being published every quarter. This newsletter presents to the stakeholders, including parents and well wishers, snippets of all events that are organised in the campus, developments of the Institute and acts as a platform for presenting the versatility, creativity and achievements of the Students and Faculty inside and outside the campus.