Tribute to the ‘Missile Man of India’- Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
The Students, Faculty and Staff of Guruvayurappan Institute of Management marked the First Death Anniversary of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the former President of India, at the GIM Campus on 27th July 2016 at 03.20 pm to pay their tribute to the ‘Missile Man of India’. The GIM family rose together and observed a minute of silence and saluted the honourable leader on his remembrance day.

Dr. Thomas T. Thomas, Director,GIM presided over the function. In memory of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam the GIM students talked on various topics about the great scientist. The talks included “Dr. Kalam – an Extraordinary Man” by Ms. Roopika R, “Kalam Ji as a Teacher” by Ms. Hrudya Sasidharan, “Kalamji the Scientist” by Ms. Nimisha S, “Simplicity was his Hallmark” by Ms. Maya Mahendran, and “Kalamji as Role Model” by Mohammed Ismail.
Ms. Varsha V. R, welcomed the gathering and Ms. Athira Ashokan proposed the vote of Thanks.