Governing Council

The Governing Council which is a supreme decision making body evolves strategic plans and deployment and infrastructure and ensure overall development of the Institute whereby the VISION and MISSION of the Institute are accomplished.

tn krishnan
Prof. T. N. Krishnan
Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode
Dr. U. C. G. Namboothiri
Chairman, SGECT
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Mr. K. M. Sankaranarayanan Namboothiri
Vice Chairman, SGECT
Mr. M. K. Krishnan Namboodiripad
Secretary, SGECT
Dr. N. Maheswaran Bhattathiripad
Treasurer, SGECT
Mr. M.K.Parameswaran Namboothiripad
Trusteee, SGECT
Associate Professor, BSMED, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Prof. K. P. Sankaran Unny
Registrar (Retd.), JNU, NewDelhi
Dr. Vinod U
Principal, GIM
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